So: this card is made out of odds and ends, which a person might toss, but for that person being so wierded out by how much of what we buy that will never decompose. I don't feel half so badly about throwing away the bananas that didn't get eaten in time, as I do about the plastic stuff.
O.K., so here we have bottle caps and tear-off can seals - half made of plastic, a woven bead angel that I accidentally ran over with the wheel on my chair, (ouch!), and hearts cut from metal-tape-over-craft-foam.
See how pretty all that can be?
Lots more details about how to make cards like this are in my forthcoming book: The Great Library ATC Swap. Want to get the notice for the book as soon as it is published? Join my art group at Yahoo! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Robinsunne There are photos, a calendar of my teaching schedule, and notices of shows, sales and book publishings! It would be great to see you there!