First: here's a link for something fun for your ATC's, for your Easter cards, even for your Equinox greetings: http://countdown. tentwostudios. com It's all just FREE!
AAAND, if you haven't seen this, prepare to be amazed: It is a Swan Lake dance. Oh, My!
And the rest of what I have to tell you is that I am busy, very busy, writing a book about ATC's. (Yes!!!) It has a good deal of "how-to", which is taking all my love of detail. :) I hope to be publishing through, and I will keep you posted. It is taking up all of my work time: I am in my studio rediculously early and keep staying too long... but it is so much fun, and I am enjoying the process.
I am making lots, and lots, and lots of ATC's. You'll see them all in the book.
I'm off! - R
Creative New Year's Resolutions
5 years ago