Thursday, November 8, 2007

Blog 8th - doodling and rubberstamping

Weeell, I don't want to show you just yet what I have really been working on: those final days before the show and all: OUT OF BOUNDS at our local library, is an art show of altered books! What a hoot! You go into the library expecting to borrow books and on the way out there is a box of old books that they are giving awayfor us to cut up and paint and otherwise artistically mangle! The really cool part is that after the show during the weekend of the 16th, the library will keep certain books, (we'll be juried), to remain in circulation! You'll be able to go to the library and borrow art. Now how wonderful is that?
Next weekend I will show you my two altered books. For now I will show you a rubber stamp that I made:

It is 4" x 4" square. There it is all inked up. Below on paper:And below here it is printed on cloth. Cloth that I printed in Susan Sorrell's class on fabric painting.See the background shapes? They are paper clips laid over sun dyed fabric. I think that beading this one will be great.

Gotta go, more tomorrow.

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