Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Today is the last day of my nablopomo blog-every-day-for-a-month-marathon!! Yay! This has been fun and very good training for my art-self. Even though there are days when I feel like I have nothing to say, there were always the ATCs. So here you go.

The other thing that is interesting about art is that it gets personal - and sometimes that personal stuff isn't great for the world-wide-web, y'know? So perhaps some of the best of the good art I made this month didn't make it to your eyes. >Sigh<>

Well, it is always good to know that there is more art on the way: we ATC at the Library tonight. Full details at - the ATC page. 6:00: be there! There are usually about 30 of us and we have some poetry to stimulate our imaginations tonight. I might also bring a special treat ... some kind of art play medium ... You'll have to be there to share the prize with us!

See you there! Thanks for your company this month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray for April being done!